domingo, 4 de março de 2012

Quiet Stength

"I’ve always admired women who have a quiet strength. You know who I’m talkin’ about - women who walk into a room and without even saying anything, they have your attention. The women who show up in either a sleek black suit or my fave - a pair of Saturday afternoon jeans and a simple white t-shirt – and display their confidence without resorting to overly flaunting their booty or boobies.

I know when you watch all these reality shows today it seems like the loud and cuh-razy girls finish first—and get all of the attention - because of their shenanigans, not because of their smarts. But in the real world, it’s the quiet girls you gotta keep an eye on. While loud girls want all the attention, the quiet ones are usually much more focused, have clearer intentions, and are mysterious and intriguing. Dontcha think? People want to know more about you when you don’t give it all away up front. Like, what’s behind those eyes? What is that chick thinking? What is she up to?"

Tyra Banks

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